Majority 1,800
Liberal Democrats GAIN from Labour

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The Scottish Christian Party confirmed itself as a contender for a Scottish Parliamentary seat in Mid Scotland and Fife next year.
Thank you to the 374 Fifers who saw through the spin and voted for Tom Minogue, who issued this statement:-
THIS time last week, as the Dunfermline by-election entered its final phase, there were 200 volunteers at the Liberal Democrat campaign headquarters in Inverkeithing.
THIS was the mouse that roared - the by-election campaign that should have been a formality for Scottish Labour, but which turned into the party's most disastrous electoral experience for years.
A high turnout makes Labour's defeat a depressingly low slump for Brown
Representatives for both Labour and the SNP have announced their response to the Dunfermline and Fife West by-election last night where the Liberal Democrats won their first by-election over Labour in Scotland since the Second World War.
Labour chiefs are analysing what went wrong in a by-election which saw a safe Labour seat tumble to the Liberal Democrats in Gordon Brown's own back yard.
DELIGHTED Liberal Democrats today claimed their stunning victory in Dunfermline and West Fife had put them on course for gains at next year's Holyrood elections. Lib Dem candidate Willie Rennie overturned a Labour majority of 11,500 to win the seat by 1800 votes.
The Liberal Democrats' victor in the Dunfermline and West Fife by-election, Willie Rennie, said today that the voters had "sent a powerful message to the Labour government that will rock the foundations of Downing Street" .
THE stunning election upset in Dunfermline early today has created a massive headache for the Holyrood coalition, even bigger problems for holding Labour together north and south of the border, and potential disaster for Gordon Brown's hopes of becoming prime minister.
Lib Dems pull off stunning victory in Brown's backyard
Lib Dems overturn huge majority to beat Labour in by-election
News 24 now say it looks like the Lib Dems Have won the Dunfermline by-election.
News 24 has said that the Lib Dems look to be doing much better than expected as the votes are counted in Dunfermline.
LABOUR appears to be heading for a narrow by-election victory in Dunfermline today - but with a massively reduced majority.
IT'S traditional Labour territory which includes part of Chancellor Gordon Brown's former constituency, so the expectation is that the by-election in Dunfermline and West Fife should be a foregone conclusion.
CONSERVATIVE LEADER David Cameron was accused last night of an astonishing policy U-turn over the war in Iraq in a last ditch attempt to woo Liberal Democrat voters in Dunfermline and West Fife.
Catherine Stihler has warned Labour voters in Dunfermline and West Fife that if they stay at home in Thursday's by-election they risk waking up to an SNP MP on Friday morning.
SNP Leader Alex Salmond MP and local candidate Douglas Chapman today hosted the party's final press conference before the polls opened in the Parliamentary by-election in Dunfermline and West Fife at an event in Dunfermline today.
Dunfermline & West Fife by-election
Tory leader adopts Lib line on Iraq